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Antwoorden van Boeing en luchtvaartautoriteit FAA op vragen van Zembla

leestijd 1 minuten
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Boeing ANP
​​​​In de uitzending 'De fatale fouten van Boeing' wil Boeing helaas niet voor camera reageren. Wel heeft het bedrijf schriftelijk vragen van Zembla beantwoord. Ook luchtvaartautoriteit FAA heeft een reactie gegeven. Beiden zijn hieronder te lezen.
Reactie luchtvaartautoriteit FAA:
Federal law authorizes the FAA to delegate to a qualified individual or organization the ability to conduct certain activities on behalf of the agency. In recent successive Acts, Congress directed FAA to streamline certification, including increased delegation to Organizational Designation Authorizations (ODA).
The FAA has never allowed companies to police themselves or self-certify their aircraft. With strict FAA oversight, delegation extends the rigor of the FAA certification process to other recognized professionals, thereby multiplying the technical expertise focused on assuring an aircraft meets FAA standards.
The agency is directly involved in the testing and certification of new and novel features and technologies. Related to certification of the MAX, FAA experts, including chief scientists, engineers and flight test pilots, conducted in-flight testing of the flight control system, including the MCAS.
The use of delegation has been a vital part of our safety system since the 1920s, and without it, the success of our country’s aviation system likely would have been stifled. Our delegation program is similar to organizational programs used in Europe and other countries, and therefore helps the United States maintain a level playing field with foreign competitors.
Please see this link for additional information: https://www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/designees_delegations/
Lees in de volgende bijlage de schriftelijke reactie van Boeing:

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